Thursday, September 27, 2012

NEW artist in the Gateway Gallery of Disollution

Merva! She is great and here's just a sneek peek, I'll post the SLURL when she is done hanging... I'm just SO excited! Watch out for your opening party invitation, WooHoo


About Arte Merva
There is one earth, many realities, lots of different truths
but there is only one universal reality..
in there lies the secret of contentment.
To describe a picture appers to me as if I’d deprive the viewer of his indepent
relationship to my works.

Therefore there will hardly be any captions to my works, just occasionally my thoughts about it.
If a picture doesn’t communicate, it might nor have been made for that particular viewer.
Yours, Merva
About Merva

My art intentionally comes without any description, so that the viewer has the opportunity of his own interpretation.

My artistic development:
1979: art school for four years in , Switzerland
1983: two years as an illustrator at an advertising agency
1986: my own airbrush and painting studio until 1996
1996 to 2003, journeys to many different places all over the world with my artwork
2003: returning to Switzerland
2007: comeback to my painting art work, mainly concentrating on intuitive spiritual painting because of a lot of life experience
with my friends and my opponents
my special thanks to all these people!
Thank you all for visiting my resident and my shop's
with love and respect,
Yours, Merva
About Spirit of You

What is Spirit of You 2012 ?
I'll give you the following words by Rebecca RL

"People’s voices:
It has become a daily ritual for me and my brother to draw a card from Merva’s card deck every morning, and it is always impressive how the card that we draw, applies to our daily attitude and mood.
If for example, I draw the card ‘’patience’’ I know that I have to be careful not to be impatient with either people or personal projects....
The cards always tell us what to look out for, and it’s a great daily help and pleasure to work with them because of the law of synchronicity which applies.

Working with these cards is a great experience which helps me listening to my heart and using my inner wisdom."

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